pre-trip thoughts.

Saturday August 18th is the day I head back to India (KB, Eliza, Drew, and Tom leave for India on July 25th). I am filled with a jumbled mix of thoughts and emotions as I gear up to leave... INDIA. 90 days (12 weeks, 6 days). 90 days dealing with the backwardness and crooked standards of The World's Largest "Democracy". 90 times bathing out of a bucket. 90 times going to bed with no air conditioning. 180 times squatting over a hole in the ground. 270 meals eaten with my hands- wait.. I actually love eating with my hands.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." -James 1:2-3

INDIA. 90 sunrises and 90 sunsets that are sure to inspire the sweetest lyrics and verses to blossom in my heart. 90 mornings to wake up and seize the day. 90 mornings to sip chai tea while planning upcoming activities and outings. 90 afternoons to use wisely, not idly. 90 evenings spent eating delicious dinners while swapping funny stories with our dear Indian friends. 90 evenings to reflect on the day and realize I've experienced something new God has done for me, my family, my friends. 90 nights staying up late talking about God and how present He is in our lives, and how tangible He feels in India.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." -Ephesians 4:2

INDIA. Countless opportunities to open my eyes and SEE. Countless opportunities to open my ears and HEAR. Countless opportunities to open my heart and FEEL. Countless opportunities to open my lungs and SING. Countless opportunities to open my arms and EMBRACE. Countless opportunities to open my mind and EXPERIENCE. Countless opportunities to show people love. Countless opportunities to show people patience. Countless opportunities to show people kindness. Countless opportunities to stop being selfish and be more SELFLESS. Countless opportunities to find humor in everyday stressful situations (trust me.. this happens often in India). Countless opportunities to dive into God's words that seem to SHOUT and JUMP off the page while reading them in India. Countless opportunities to realize the nations don't need ME, they need GOD and His redemptive grace. Countless opportunities to pray, thanking God for everything He blesses us with daily DAILY. Countless opportunities to smack myself in the forehead, when I see something else awesome God has done. Countless blessings He bestows on us DAILY. Countless opportunities to exchange a simple smile with a stranger. Countless opportunities to remember how lucky I am to have a support system with me in India, and at home.

The previous list is just a glimpse into the many blessings my team and I will receive during our stint. Heading back to India (and spending how many days there again? yes, 90) brings such a flood of JOY into my heart.

SO many things are left for me to learn. I can't wait to jump back into the rhythms of India and drink it all in.  I agree with Bono when he says (basically anything, but this particularly) "The more you see the less you know". No matter how much you see, experience, or live through, one things remains constant. Jesus. and nothing is worth pursuing unless it glorifies Him.

"I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life." -Jesus (John14:6)